Tutorial 4: Capture transparent windows (and other new features...) 04/04/2012

Tutorial In this tutorial we will take a look at some of the new feature introduced in Snappy 1.5.2: let's start to see how windows with transparent borders or panels (or shadow...) can be captured. We will then see selection edit mode and cut and paste features.
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Tutorial 3: Pdf export templates 11/04/2011

Tutorial In this tutorial we will see how to customize pdf reports.This feature allows to define layout templates that can be used when exporting in pdf format.
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Tutorial 2: Editing tools and templates 11/04/2011

Tutorial In this tutorial we will have a look at screenshot editing functionalities of Snappy. We will also see how to use screenshots templates.
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Tutorial 1: Basics 11/04/2011

Tutorial In this tutorial we will have a look at the base functionalities of Snappy.
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